Archive for September, 2011


BOMBSHELL: Emails Reveal Direct White House Tie to Solyndra Scandal – Guy Benson

100 protesters burn American flag outside U.S. embassy in London during minute’s silence for 9/11

By Daily Mail Reporter

Protesters set fire to the U.S. flag outside the American embassy in London today during a minute’s silence to mark the moment the first hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Centre.

A group of 100 Muslim radicals, including members of Muslims Against Crusades, shouted ‘USA terrorists’ and brandished anti-American placards.

One protester in Grosvenor Square said: ‘You will always face suffering, you will always face humiliation, unless you withdraw your troops from Muslim lands.’

Anger: Members of the group Muslims Against Crusades burn the American flag during a protest outside the U.S. embassy in London

Anger: Members of the group Muslims Against Crusades burn the American flag during a protest outside the U.S. embassy in London

Detained: A masked member of Muslims Against Crusades is led away after the group's protest

Detained: A masked member of Muslims Against Crusades is led away after the group’s protest

A small group of Muslims staged a counter-demonstration nearby, holding up placards reading ‘Muslims Against Extremism’ and ‘If You Want Sharia, Move To Saudi’.

Abdul Sallam, 41, who was waving a sign that read ‘Keep The Silence’, travelled down to London from his home in Glasgow to show the strength of his feelings.

He said: ‘I’m a Muslim. What they’re doing is bringing shame on all Muslims.This is not part of the teachings of Islam.

‘Islam is all about peace, but what they want to do is hate other people.

Destructive: Protesters take pictures of the burning American flag during the demonstration

Destructive: Protesters take pictures of the burning American flag during the demonstration

Sitting it out: Police prevent English Defence League supporters from confronting the Muslims Against Crusades protest outside the embassy

Sitting it out: Police prevent English Defence League supporters from confronting the Muslims Against Crusades protest outside the embassy

‘Islam teaches you that when you see anything bad or evil, you should speak out against it.

‘If the moderate Muslims all came out and spoke out, that would defeat them.

‘I am proud to be British. I love my country. All these people are doing is breaking Britain apart.’

Earlier, a group of English Defence League protesters were ordered to move on to accommodate the anti-American demonstration.

The 60-strong group briefly scuffled with police as they were forced away from their original location to a different part of Grosvenor Square.

Twenty people were arrested for breach of the peace as the group was dispersed towards Oxford Street.

And at least four more arrests were made as police escorted the Muslim group back towards the Central London Mosque in Regents Park.

Contempt: A fanatical protester spits at photographers as he is being arrested

Contempt: A fanatical protester spits at photographers as he is being arrested

Counter-protest: EDL members protest against the Islamist demonstration

Counter-protest: EDL members protest against the Islamist demonstration

One of the guests at the Grosvenor Square memorial service said the protesters should be stopped from standing just across the road from the embassy and using a loud megaphone.

The man, whose cousin died in the terror attacks, added: ‘They shouldn’t be allowed to do it. It’s very disrespectful. It’s too loud.’

He added: ‘They can say what they want but not with the loudspeaker. They shouldn’t obstruct the service.’

American Thinker- Print Article


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September 10, 2011

PBS alters transcript to hide Obama gaffe

Timothy Birdnow

Barack Obama has gone to Congress asking for more money to spend. The President, in a rambling and tedious exercise mixing blame with demands, made quite a few dubious statements in laying out the case for Congress to vote for the plan which as yet does not exist. Much like Obamacare, Congress must ultimately vote for the bill to know what is in it.

At one point Mr. Obama made a major gaffe; he identified Abraham Lincoln as the founder of the Republican Party.

Lincoln did not join the Republicans until 1856, over two years after the party was founded. The first Republican convention was held in Ripon, Wisconsin in 1854.

Such a gaffe would have brought huge amounts of ridicule and derision on George W. Bush, but in the case of Obama the media yawned.

Actually, they did more than yawn; government-funded PBS has altered the transcript of the President’s speech, removing the offending comment.

The New York Times transcript has the following quote:

"We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union.  Founder of the Republican Party.  But in the middle of a civil war, he was also a leader who looked to the future — a Republican President who mobilized government to build the Transcontinental Railroad — (applause) — launch the National Academy of Sciences, set up the first land grant colleges.  (Applause.)  And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set."

But how does it appear in the PBS transcript?

"We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union.  But in the middle of a Civil War, he was also a leader who looked to the future – a Republican president who mobilized government to build the transcontinental railroad; launch the National Academy of Sciences; and set up the first land grant colleges.  And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set."

So PBS has purposely altered a transcript containing a major gaffe by the President. See a screen shot:

Sure; we have a fair and balanced media! The best government money can buy!

Update: Brian Birdnow adds:

Shocking, but not surprising!  B-Ho was also wrong on saying that Lincoln started the first land grant colleges.  Each state is in charge of its own educational institutions and most of the states entering the union after 1815 had designated state universities,with grants of land, in their state constitutions.  That is the reason that major state universities are in near the geographic center of their respective states, and not located in the major urban areas.

Update from Russell Cook:

It now says at the top of the transcript page now "EDITOR’S NOTE: The original transcript provided on this page, as was noted, reflected the president’s remarks as prepared for delivery and released by the White House. This transcript has been updated to reflect the remarks as delivered and released by the White House."

Timothy Birdnow is a St. Louis based writer. His website is

Welcome Instapundit readers. Thanks, Glenn.

Welcome Drudget Report readers. Thanks, Matt.

Page Printed from: at September 10, 2011 – 01:57:27 PM CDT

American Thinker- Print Article

Definition of Clueless




Obama to Start ‘We the People’ Website… Hopefully He Won’t Misquote the Constitution Here Too

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, September 5, 2011, 3:47 AM

Back in 2010 during the State of the Union Address, the former Constitutional lawyer, or senior lecturer, cited the US Constitution in his address to the nation. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence… not the Constitution.

The B-Cast posted the video:

Modern Conservative reported, via Free Republic:

In last night’s State of the Union Address, President Obama said:

We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal….

Um, wrong founding document, Mr. President. It is in our Declaration of Independence that we read:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in that same speech.

Now Barack Obama is going to launch a ‘We the People’ website to let his people contact his government “ to address a problem, change a policy, or take action on range of issues.” Hopefully, they won’t screw up the Constitution on this website, too.



Messiah of Hate


– Daniel Greenfield Sunday, September 4, 2011

The time when the Obama brand still seemed like it might have something to offer the American people is long past. There will still be voters who go to the polls and pull the wrong lever, but they won’t do it because they seriously believe that another term will make America a better place. Rather they will do it for reasons of identity. Political identity, racial identity and because ‘anything is better than voting GOP’ is also an identity.

The emotion that Obama stirred in the hearts of millions, that illusory sense of history created by so many hours of media manipulation, the expectation that now things would be better, is gone. And it isn’t coming back. No one will ever look up dewy eyed at a giant projected image of the Beloved Leader and see the second coming of JFK. All they will see is the politician they’re stuck with.

The feeling isn’t unique, it’s common enough to second term leaders of both parties. Republicans were tired of Bush and Democrats of Clinton, by their second terms. Bush and Clinton fatigue is one reason why Democrats turned on Hillary in 2008 and why a Jeb Bush run meets with so little enthusiasm. But neither of those men had been built up so dramatically, which made the fall less severe.

Bush and Clinton never needed much glamor, they were Ivy League boys with Yale degrees slumming as rural populists, thickening their accents and pitching their appeals to the back row. And paradoxically even at their worst, they could always hide behind this false ordinariness. “We’re only human, just like you,” they could say.

Glamor is all that Obama ever had. With the greasepaint off, there’s nothing there but a surly kid with greying hair. An obnoxious posturing preening brat parading down the runways of the world with his media entourage in tow.

Some actors can change from one costume to another, but he is the costume. Worse yet, he isn’t even the costume. He’s the lights, the stirring music, the hours of anchor commentary, the deliberate pauses, the photographic halos, the teleprompter and the building expectation. Take those things away and there isn’t even an empty suit. There’s nothing at all.

The Democrats have come to feel that hollowness deep inside. That set of unfulfilled expectations that lies like a hole at the heart of their campaign. An emptiness that can only be filled with hate.

As Obama’s popularity has slipped, he has become more openly hateful

As Obama’s popularity has slipped, he has become more openly hateful. The vindictiveness that was hidden away has been put up for display in the store window. What Clinton might scribble on a memo or tell an aide—he delivers in a speech. And the worse his numbers have fallen, the uglier his words have become.

Obama was never graceful, but the spitefulness is no longer camouflaged. The petty insults have become common as his persona has grown charmless. The scowl hides less deeply behind the practiced smile. Often it no longer hides at all. The small bag of tricks which he used to get this far has been exhausted. There’s nothing left now but the angry manipulative child underneath.

Having failed as the Messiah of Hope and Change, he is swiftly becoming the Messiah of Hate. With a country in a state of severe economic decline and his own popularity further down the toilet than a burning Koran, there is no other choice left to him. And it’s an approach that suits his temperament. 

Unlike 2008, he can’t expect to coast to victory on Hope and Change. This time it’s his opponents who are running on that. The halo is gone, but the hate campaign is his best option. No one around him thinks he can sell himself as a better alternative to a generic Republican candidate. But if he can make the Republican candidate look like a completely unpalatable choice to most voters, then he can still win.

2012 is set to be half his 2008 campaign .The dark half. All the smears and demonization without any of the hope. There are an uncounted number of Democratic voters who pulled the lever for him, even though they had second thoughts. Voters who might have naturally gone for McCain, if the media had not done such an excellent job of making the McCain\Palin ticket look like the worst thing since the plague. The goal in 2012 is to retain those voters by doing the same thing all over again.

Forget policies, for Obama this has to be about personalities

Forget policies, for Obama this has to be about personalities. He can’t defend any of his policies and doesn’t want to. Not even the Prince of Chicago is delusional enough to think that a few words from him will convince voters that the economy is fine. At least not since the last twenty times he tried that particular trick. And he only has two modes for discussing policy, the simplistic and the long-winded, neither of which hold up well during a campaign. That just leaves personalities.

Like most egotists, he’s more comfortable with popularity contests than policy debates. With ‘Who would you rather have a drink’ contests. “Me, I’m your buddy. But those guys are just nuts,” is his only real campaign platform. And in 2012, that’s getting shortened to, “But those guys are just nuts.”

The echo of “In your guts you know he’s nuts” is still there as the only defense that liberal statists have against principled conservatives. It’s the slogan that makes reasonable people distrust their hearts and accept the dogma of the ruling party for fear that they too might be considered nuts. And casting Tea Party Republicans as the new Goldwaters, liable to do just about anything for their crazy beliefs, is a convenient shortcut to victory.

The problem is that while LBJ’s domestic policies were radical, his public persona wasn’t. Obama can’t count on the same thing. His platform was that of radical change. And once in office, that’s what he delivered. But unlike the New Deal, few see anything positive what he did. Running on stimulus or ObamaCare is hopeless. Those aren’t things that anyone on the left, the middle or the right likes.

In 2008, he ran on the idea of what his administration would be like. But he can’t do that a second time. The idea was already realized and the reality of it is popular with no one. That just leaves the lesser of two evils. “Sure, I’m bad but those Republicans are worse.” Followed by; “And when you’ll look closer, you’ll see I’m not so bad.” It’s not a level of desperation that either Clinton or Bush had to resort to, but there were things about their administrations that weren’t so bad. There’s nothing like that which Obama can point to. Just a litany of special interest spending followed by the loud thunk of the debt ceiling.

Obama has gone on a national “Be a Jerk” tour, complete with speeches

The biggest obstacle to the negative type of campaign that his party would like to run is Obama himself. A negative campaign that focuses on his opponent requires that he get out of the way. Or at least spend less time being a jerk in public. Instead Obama has gone on a national “Be a Jerk” tour, complete with speeches.

In 2008, he was able to maintain the illusion of civility, while letting the media do his dirty work for him. The media is disappointed in him now, but still obscenely eager to be his hit squad. But instead Obama is being his own hit squad. The constant derogatory references to Republicans in speeches that are otherwise as empty of content and purpose as a three inch lake, don’t accomplish their goal. Instead they make him look like a 5 foot tall basketball player trash talking everyone else, but unable to sink a basket with the ball taped to his hand.

Obama’s manic depressive style of governance

Obama’s manic depressive style of governance, doing nothing for months before suddenly jumping into a frenzy of activity, can work on the campaign trial. But not after most people have gotten tired of you and would like to see less of you. And sitting incumbents are generally supposed to display a higher level of class. They can conduct smear campaigns, so long as they plausibly outsource it to others. Not when they’re doing it in front of the microphone.

But even his attacks have a tepid whiny quality to them. Not only isn’t Obama FDR or JFK, let alone Reagan—he’s not even LBJ. His putdowns condescend to his listeners, turning what should have been insults aimed at Republicans, into an insult to his audience’s intelligence. Too many speeches boil down to, “The Republicans would like to set America on fire and then dance on the ashes, but I think there’s a better way.” Alarmism that would work better if he hadn’t already done exactly what he was accusing his hypothetical opponents of.

Obama’s unenviable position is that of an incumbent in a bad economy. But it’s his unenviable personality that really does him in. An incumbent in a bad time needs a sense of humility. An unpopular politician has to connect with people at a human level. But Obama’s gargantuan ego and sense of entitlement won’t let him do those things. Instead he’s still counting on a steamroll campaign to do his work for him.

The debt ceiling debate was a sample of his irresponsibility

The debt ceiling debate was a sample of his irresponsibility. The absolute refusal to accept any real compromise, not only to preserve his spending power, but also because sabotaging government was a more effective election strategy. It’s the negative campaign as imagined by an arsonist who doesn’t care what happens to the country so long as he wins. And while the media poodles will still bark in his defense, it’s a strategy that makes him seem like even more of a failure.

His transformation into a Messiah of Hate is timely in the worst possible way. A politician’s mask shouldn’t start coming off during a campaign. Let alone before it. But the unctuous smile is sliding off and what’s underneath it is the entitled anger of a man who is always used to getting his way. And who has yet to understand that for the first time in his life, he’s about to lose.


Barack Obama’s Raw, Insufferable Arrogance


– John Lillpop Sunday, September 4, 2011

One of Barack Obama’s least endearing attributes is his maddening arrogance: from his body language to his spoken words, Obama seems to be saying, “I am better than you! So shut up while I explain everything.”

But perhaps that analysis of The One is the “R” word in action?


How, then, does one explain the following comments from the Reverend Jesse Jackson in July of 2008?

“In July 2008, FOX network aired a video in which Jackson leans over and whispers, “See, Barack been, um, talking down to black people on this faith based … I want cut his n**s off … Barack … he’s talking down to black people.”

For emphasis, Jackson appeared to make a stabbing or cutting motion with his hand.”

Talking down to black people, of all things! The audacity is palpable.

Since then, Obama has become far more inclusive and he now talks down to all races, faiths, IQ brackets, nationalities, and social classes.

Barack has truly grown into an equal opportunity offender!

If fact, it can be said without fear of contradiction that were arrogance a commodity like gold, Obama would be able to eliminate the entirety of the federal deficit with just the sweat from his brow AND still remain obscenely rich!

In the early days of Obama’s presidency, there was a tendency to dismiss his blatant arrogance because, after all, he was soooooooo very intelligent and gifted.

However, after nearly three years of stimulus failures, raging unemployment, unabated recession, out-of-control federal deficits,  and a montage of foreign and domestic policy missteps that would gag a #####, Obama no longer deserves any “slack” for that signature smirk.

By all objective measures, Barack Hussein Obama is a failure and, as such, he needs to reign in his over-pampered ego to levels more consistent with his dreary performance!

In circumstances involving rare genius and stellar achievement, arrogance can be tolerated, but only when the arrogant party is consistently right, a situation that clearly does not pertain to President Obama!


Once again, in the form of Democratic Representative Andre Carson, a leader of the Congressional Black Caucus, the left resorts to the most hideous slurs to attempt to marginalize the mainstream of American political thought. He has openly alleged at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting that tea party members in Congress “would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree.”

Rep. Carson should immediately resign from Congress. He is clearly not fit to serve. This type of disgusting, hateful rhetoric has no place in our political discourse. At a minimum, he should be removed from leadership in the Congressional Black Caucus, and censured by his colleagues. If they refuse to take these actions, they are sending a clear statement to the American public that it is acceptable for “leaders” in Congress to wantonly accuse their fellow members and the American public of desiring murder.

We have come to this point because politicians in the Democratic party have freely and without political consequence been allowed to vilify the tea party movement, fellow American citizens, as “racists,” “terrorists,” “jihadis,” “radicals,” etc. We are here because people like Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters can say that “the tea party can go straight to hell!” without consequence. We are here because people like Democratic Representative Frederica Wilson can say “Let us all remember who the real enemy is. The real enemy is the Tea Party.” We are here because Vice President Biden and other Democrats can say “They are like terrorists,” without negative political consequence to themselves. But in the real world, there is always consequence. And ultimately, the consequences which will directly flow from the hateful rhetoric of these politicians is an inability for us to resolve the difficult issues facing our nation.

With their name calling and slander, they turn away from legitimate debate and foment unfettered hatred. They are intentionally attempting to turn citizen against citizen in this country for their own personal and political benefit. It is disgusting to witness, and must be called out for what it is. This behavior is morally bankrupt and is against the interests of all honest and moral citizens of this great nation. Regardless of our political affiliation, we must all stand as citizens against this dangerous and immoral behavior.

Angry White Dude