Archive for September 1, 2011

Tea Party congressman to Black Caucus members: ‘Get a grip’

By Alicia M. Cohn – 08/31/11 01:56 PM ET

A Republican member of the House Tea Party Caucus on Wednesday countered recent inflammatory remarks by members of the Congressional Black Caucus against the Tea Party.
"I’m a TEA Party caucus member and have spoken at two tea party rallies. I am also NOT a racist. Maxine & Andre – get a grip," Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) tweeted.

Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) both directed harsh remarks at the Tea Party movement last week.

Carson accused the Tea Party members in Congress of wanting to see blacks "hanging from a tree."
Waters said at an event in California, "The Tea Party can go straight to hell."

Democratic members of the CBC ramped up the anti-Tea Party rhetoric in late August, with members such as Waters and Carson speaking at events in their home districts.
Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.), another Black Caucus member, identified the Tea Party as "the real enemy."


In response, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), the only Republican member of the group and also a member of the Tea Party caucus, said he is "reconsidering" his membership in the Black Caucus.


Tea Party congressman to Black Caucus members: ‘Get a grip’ – The Hill’s Twitter Room

This race crap from the CBC is not new but damn it’s getting OLD fast.


August 31, 2011

Open Letter To Rep. Maxine Waters And Her Congressional Black Caucus

Topics: Political News and commentaries

Rep. Maxine Waters,

Madam, even as you and the "Welfare Pimps" of your Congressional Black Caucus escalate the attacks and the racial hostilities upon everyday Americans, the more evident it becomes that average Americans have had enough and are just fed up with all your race-baiting and racial hate-mongering that have kept you all in power for sixty years! No wonder you feel threatened by the "Tea Party"!

You may send us all to hell in your shrill intemperate vulgarity and indecorum unbefitting a Congressional Representative – but then, maybe you are just a mirror of those you represent. Yet all you and the Congressional Black Caucus are doing as the "Overseers of the Democrat’s 21st Century Plantation" – as Rep. Colonel Allen West so aptly put it – is playing the politics of "Resentment" and "Eternal Black Victimization." Until when? When will it end? Wasn’t the election of our first black president enough proof of a post-racial America? Apparently not.

Black slaves were emancipated one hundred forty eight years ago, and the Democrat’s "Segregationism" in the South was struck down almost sixty years ago.

You and your ilk keep harping about "racism" and exploiting the race card to keep your hold on power – while condemning whole generations of black Americans to the "Projects" and the drug crime ridden "Ghettos", dependent on government handouts, and enslaved to broken families, illiteracy, institutionalized poverty and hopelessness!

It is not Democrats who need to grow a spine against the Tea Party, but rather black Americans who need to grow a spine against you and the Overseers of the Democrat’s 21st Century Plantation, enslaving them in the vicious cycle of government dependance and self abasement, who you bus to the polling stations to vote, in order to hold your racist grip on power!

Yet, ironically, in today’s topsy-turvy Pop Culture of "Gangsta Rap", the "Hood Subculture", and of black anti-heroes gangsters, it seems being black is considered to be superior to any other race or ethnicity. Just ask Vanilla Ice and all the misguided middle class white kids buying all the "Gangsta Rap" garbage!

Just look at commercials on TV nowadays where, regardless of the role, males are always black while females are always white or Asian; almost as if there was a sexual dimorphism in our human species where the males are black and the females are white or lighter skinned! Or how these black gangsters parade trashy "White Biaches" like status symbols, the same way they strut their Nikes, while rejecting far worthier and beautiful black women?

Is this what Dr. Martin Luther King’s "dream" was all about? His black "Homies" pairing up with "White Biaches"?

Was the "Civil Rights Movement" then not so much about equality and where you sat on a bus, but rather about achieving black domination over the "White Devil" and retribution against whites? Apparently that is your view.

You and the Congressional Black Caucus seem to hate America and all it stands for and you are always rubbing in our collective faces your proud "African Heritage". Well, didn’t we founded the country of Liberia to return freed slaves home? What the hell are you and the Congressional Black Caucus doing here then?

Or for that matter, since many of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus admire Castro and his "Revolution" so much – that forced my family and I to flee Cuba’s "Paradise of the Proletariat" as a young boy and had the blessing of being welcomed and accepted by this Blessed nation you all seem to hate and resent so much – and are always visiting Habana to grovel at Castro’s feet, why don’t you all move there! Hell since all that are left in once cosmopolitan and affluent Cuba are uncouth impoverished illiterate blacks, which makes Cuba today look more like Haiti than the "Pearl of the Antilles" and pride of Spain it once was, you all would feel right at home there!

And before you call me "racist" as you do Tea Party average Americans concerned about our nation, many of whom take time off their busy schedules to participate in the political arena for the first time in their lives, I would like to have you know that my best childhood friend as a child in Cuba, whom I loved as a brother, was a black boy!

It is not the color of Obama’s skin, or of your skin, that I am prejudiced against. It is the "Red" of your souls! If Dr.Thomas Sowell, or Rep. Allen West, was the black man in the White House, we wouldn’t be in all this mess!

Yours truly,


Open Letter To Rep. Maxine Waters And Her Congressional Black Caucus :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience


Greeting to the Congressional Black Caucus

By Gina Miller on September 1st, 2011

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Gina Miller

Excluding Florida Republican Rep. Lt. Col. Allen West, who is an honorable American war hero and conservative patriot, today I have a few words for California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters and the various other deceitful people in the Congressional Black Caucus and their fellow-traveling leftists who are falsely accusing and attacking the taxpaying American citizens who foot the bill for this monster federal government and bloated welfare state that you all so dearly covet, because of the votes and power it brings you.  Are you listening?  Good.  Your evil, stupid shtick is not working.  America sees through your lying, degenerate words.

You can be certain that your unthinking minions will continue to cheer you and squeal in delight when you tell the Tea Party to go to hell.  Oh, sure!  But if you believe we are going to stand down and be quiet in the face of your idiot, slanderous rantings, you have another guess coming.  We are sick of your shameless lies to your poor constituents who you keep shackled to the dead-end Democrat plantation.  Yes!  You’re keeping those people down by your unscrupulous policies of creating generational addiction to taxpayer money handouts!  What you are doing is truly disgusting.

Now you see a powerful movement of American patriots who have had quite enough of your wicked policies which have brought our country to the point of bankruptcy.  Now you see these patriots, these Tea Party people, finally standing up and saying, “Enough!”  The Tea Party people care deeply about this country and the citizens here.  We want a future for our kids and grandkids—a future that does not include slavery to the government and bondage to government debt that we can never be taxed enough to repay.

We want the government to step off our backs and get its fiscal house in order.  We want the government to return to the principles outlined in the United States Constitution.  In other words, we want the leaders in Washington to respect and obey the law of our land and the oaths they swore when taking office.

This is supremely threatening to you.  Your unchecked power is in our crosshairs.  You are seeing the American people coming fully awake to your treacherous behavior, and you see that we aim to stop you.  You see that we are on to your shameless game.  You see that the Tea Party possesses great influence, because the We the People are now unified against you as never before, and we will not be turned aside or distracted from your lawlessness.

You have no legitimate argument against our points and demands.  You have no defense for this anti-American Obama administration and the myriad outrages against the Constitution that have been enacted since January 2009.  You cannot debate us on the issues, because you are dead wrong.  Since you have no defense for your hellish policies, you cling to the one weapon that you imagine will be effective against us:  the false accusation of racism.  You have worn the racist sword to a dull nub, yet you still brandish it as though it flashes brightly and cuts true.  You apparently do not see how pathetic you look waving an empty hilt at a phantom enemy.

The fact is that you will continue to look ever more foolish as this wretched administration nears the end of its term.  The more the Obama team continues on its lawless trek, the more stupid your slanderous, racist campaign will be.

The almost humorous irony here is the fact that you accuse us of racism as though you are unaware that your entire existence is based on racism.  The Congressional Black Caucus?  If your desire is for all Americans to be united and free from racism, then why are you deliberately creating a separate, exclusive group based on skin color?  How would you like to see a Congressional White Caucus?  Silly, huh?

You people are the real racists, and we all know it.  You are the ones who want nothing to do with unity.  You want division.  You want strife.  You want to set this nation on fire.  That is your goal with this diabolical campaign in which you whip your constituents up into a misguided lather with phenomenal lies about the people of the Tea Party.

In the past few weeks, we have been seeing your battle plan unfolding.  We have heard the most vicious, lying words from despicable people like Maxine Waters, who told the Tea Party that we can go straight to hell, and she intends to help us get there.  Is that a threat, Ms. Waters?  And, do you imagine that is the kind of thing an elected representative of the American people should be saying?  You are detestable, Ms. Waters, as are some of the other members of your racist Black Caucus who continue to slander the people who love this country and do not want to see it destroyed by your own ignorant policies.

By now, we have all heard the reprehensible, lying words of another member, Rep. Andre Carson (IN), a black Muslim, who stupidly declared that Tea Party members of Congress would love to see blacks become second-class citizens, and worse, to see blacks hanging on a tree.  Mr. Carson, you claimed that Tea Party efforts to restore fiscal sanity demonstrate a desire to return to the Jim Crow era.  What an utterly loathsome thing to say, not to mention completely senseless!  How dare you speak such trash?!  How dare you flat-out lie about the Tea Party platform?  And, you are a member of Congress?  Really?!  You know full well that the Tea Party platform has absolutely nothing to do with anyone’s race, you vicious, liar!

The same is true of the previously obscure Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson (FL), who declared that the Tea Party is the enemy.  Now, I suppose in a sense, she is right, but her implication to her audience could not be further from the truth.  She was speaking at a meeting held prior to a job fair in Florida that was put on by the Congressional Black Caucus, so she was speaking to constituents, and she was telling them that their fellow Americans in the Tea Party are the enemy.  That’s a damned lie, Ms. Wilson.

The Tea Party is the enemy of big government, of massive, out-of-control government spending, of excessive taxation and expensive, burdensome regulation.  In other words, we are the enemy of your agenda, Ms. Wilson, Ms. Waters, Mr. Carson and the rest of you race-mongering lunatics.

We are not the enemy of your black constituents.  In fact, we care deeply about our fellow American citizens, and we want them to be the best they can possibly be.  We want them to be free from the shackles of your wicked agenda.  Conservative policies are the ones that give the greatest opportunity for everyone, but it is your leftist, socialist policies that keep people down and in perpetual poverty when they choose to sign on to the addictive fix of your terrible taxpayer money handout racket that robs people of their dignity and their will to better themselves.

If only the black voters, who, against all reason and sanity, vote overwhelmingly Democrat, would wake up and see that their Democrat leaders do not have the interests of the people at heart.  You Democrat leaders only care for wealth and power over the people.

Last November, Star Parker summed it up nicely in her column, “Why Do Blacks Still Buy the Government Plantation Lie?”

“Why are blacks, who know life on the government plantation better than whites, and who are proportionately being hit much harder in this difficult economy, still buying what working class whites have rejected hands down? That, as Karl Rove put it, ‘…we can spend our way to prosperity?’

The problem is broader and deeper. Blacks still by and large see government dependence as the remedy rather than the disease, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They still choose to listen to left wing black political leadership and media who have careers in keeping it all going.

Consider that it was welfare state government policies that caused this economic collapse to begin with. And that it was community activist groups claiming to represent the interests of minorities who lobbied for these policies.

… Now we are left cleaning up the mess and picking up the pieces. But a tragic and ironic footnote is that black Americans, whose interests community activist groups who lobbied for all this were supposedly representing, have taken the brunt.

Black’s, [sic] whose home ownership rates skyrocketed during the government stoked boom, now have foreclosure rates twice that of whites. And, of course, black unemployment in this economic slowdown following the collapse is double that of whites.

If there was a moment of doubt that most Americans were going to buy into the government plantation lie, this last election should clear things up.

But this election also tells us we still have a divided country and many who bought the big government lie in the past still aren’t getting it.

We’ve got a lot of work to do.”

Ms. Parker nailed it, and yes, we have a ton of work to do.

Most certainly excepting Rep. Col. Allen West, who I admire, you, the racist members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the other deranged members of the radical left in the media and elsewhere—you are the true enemies of America.  You are the true enemies of freedom and prosperity.  You with your abominable lying words and your violent rhetoric are the true enemies of peace.  Your idiot rantings will backfire on you.  You will only hurt your hellish cause, which is a good thing.  The more you screech your lunacy, the more clearly we see your dark hearts that hold no love for America and the American people.

Meanwhile, those of us on the Right, those of us who agree with the Tea Party platform, those of us who love this country, will continue to fight this lawless administration and the power mongering members of Congress.  We will continue to work toward giving the boot to Barack Obama in the next election and replacing as many of you socialist leftists in Congress that we possibly can.

And, while I have not doubt that you will keep on stupidly spouting your nonsensical, evil, lies against Tea Party patriots, we will all wait and see how that moronic strategy works out for you in November 2012.

Gina Miller, a native of Texas, is a radio commentator. She also works with her husband installing and repairing residential irrigation systems and doing landscaping on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Greeting to the Congressional Black Caucus